Drink Magazine

Beer Review – Boulevard Tell-Tale Tart

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

Beer Review – Boulevard Tell-Tale Tart

I won't be telling any tales in this review.
Just the facts! That's all you're gonna get.

The brewer of this beer ( Boulevard of Kansas City, Missouri) calls this a "slightly sour ale".
Based upon my first sip, I can't argue with that description.

Wait. Let's back up a bit...

Like many a sour ale, there are loud "POP! POP! POP!" sounds in the air as I fill my tulip glass with beer.
Alka-Seltzer comes to mind, but thankfully, the stuff filling my glass has a much prettier color. Ruby red perhaps?

Sadly, there's no real foam, but since we're talking about sour ales, I won't hold that against the Tell-Tale Tart since "no foam" appears to be par for the course with this beer style.

Fresh picked strawberries with a hint of lemon. That's what it smells like. In other words, YUM!

Let's get back to the taste...

I'm guessing that all that "POP! POP! POP!" I heard means that the carbonation was fading pretty quickly because this beer is much less fizzy than I was expecting.

As I was saying at the beginning of this post, slightly sour is a perfect description for the Tell-Tale Tart.
Sour strawberries or cherries drizzled with lemon juice and just a touch of honey. That's how it tastes. And I really like it!

Edgar Allan Poe would be proud.

Categories: Boulevard, Brew Review

Tagged as: Beer, Beertography, Boulevard Brewing, Boulevard Tell Tale Tart, Craft Beer, Drinkwire, Edgar Allen Poe, Glotography, Review, Reviews, Sour Ale

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