Drink Magazine

Beer and Film Pairing Part II… the Saga Continues.

By Bolanrox


Night of the Living Dead.  The film that started the American Zombie Genre, quite the feat as they never say Zombie in the movie.  Considering the budget this was made,  it holds up fantastically, spawning that this point 4 or 5 direct sequels, plus how many spin-offs, and reboots.  Ok the Living dead girl scene with the copious amounts of tape delay cackling is a bit much but otherwise…

Due to some issues with the credits, it’s been in public domain since its first screening, so if you don’t have a copy you can get it really cheap.  It doesn’t try to explain or preach, you are dropped in the middle of the shit storm with the cast.

So what to drink with such a Pittsburgian working person feature?  I say go traditional with Iron City or Yuengling. Hell that is probably what the cast and crew were drinking during meal breaks.  (Every “zombie” was paid with lunch and a T-shirt after all)

Beer and Film Pairing Part II…  the Saga Continues.

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