I have to admit to being a compulsive reader and the pile of books, magazines etc is always at a precarious point of tipping over. I have a tendency when I am interested in something to read a lot about it, acquiring books from here and there.
This is my current reading. For fiction I have just finished reading John Le Carre’s Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy. I originally bought this for my trip to San Francisco back in June but was so busy I didn’t get a chance to read it. I remember watching the television adaption many years ago and being somewhat confused, I also know that I have read this book before but again was confused. Anyway, I have this morning finished it and this time there was no confusion. Maybe I am older, wiser and more educated reader, maybe I took more time, who knows. A very good read and a reminder of a previous fascination I had with the cold war and spies.
For non-fiction reading I am pouring over bulb and roses catalogues. I love Peter Nyssen bulbs. They present a wide selection at fantastic prices especially if you are buying in bulk and the quality has been great in previous years. I have a list compiled now and honed down but the total price is somewhat scary so I am dithering. I also like Avon Bulbs although I find them a little pricey for the everyday bulb. However, they do have a great selection of the more unusual and again there is a list I am pondering. Can you have too many bulbs that is the question. I already have an order on with Minature Bulbs and I plan to go to the Whichford Pottery bulb sale in a couple of weeks so the Avon Bulbs order might go by the wayside although they do have some gorgeous irises!!
Then there are the rose catalogues. I decided last weekend that I need more roses in the garden. I love roses and I don’t grow anywhere near enough. I have identified a few locations for them and the potential for an arch. I was doing really well with the Peter Beale catalog having made a small considered selection then the David Austin one arrived and I have no idea now which ones to go for!
My other distraction at the moment is Pinterest which I have rediscovered this week and now understand how to use it properly. Its wonderful but I am finding so many inspiring images that my head is buzzing even more than usual with ideas – phew