Self Expression Magazine

Becoming Developer-savvy

By Waxgirl333 @waxgirl333

I’m always amazed at the disparity between businesses who use a simple WordPress theme and those who spend thousands with an independent programmer to develop the “perfect” website. This happens particularly with those who want to develop an ecommerce site. There really seems to be no common ground. But what many people don’t realize is that there are several options for full-fledged, eCommerce platforms that allow business owners to customize the function, design and content of the website without costing an arm and a leg. Magento services is a good example of this type of full-service  website development option.

Rather than relying on an individual programmer who may or may not meet the deadlines that you require (and sometimes won’t even finish!) development environments like Magento typically provide several features and benefits including:

  • Strong project management including an attention to requirements
  • Modular approaches so that you can design the site yourself, often with a widge-type approach
  • The ability to include store capability and secure shopping carts that work

If custom programming is required, it is usually easy to define and well-scoped. Also, because you’re relying on a company and not an individual, you’re not tracking down your developer or getting emails in the middle of the night with last minute questions about your project. As an example, you can visit at 


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