Recently, I have been falling in love with "green beauty." Green beauty is Eco-friendly, organic, chemical-free, (or almost chemical-free) and really good for your skin. I used to use a ton of commercial products, but this past season, I have been moving away from them starting with my hair.
As you may have read from my previous posts, I have been using natural ways to clean my hair and so far I haven't looked back. I changed from shampoo and conditioner to baking soda and aryuvedic herbs for a shampoo, and apple cider vinegar for a detangler. It may sound gross, but I have gotten so many compliments on my hair, and it is so much fuller and healthier.
My most recent purchase has been Jojoba oil. I bought it at a GNC store for a little over $12.
Jojoba oil consists of fatty alcohols and omega-9. It helps with dry skin, dry hair, acne, wrinkles, and removing makeup. It is essentially a wax, that has an oil consistency.
I have been using my jojoba oil for everything! When my face needs moisture at night, I rub some on. When I have to moisturize my hair, I rub a little on the ends. It has worked wonders for dry skin, and even my acne. It works a lot like coconut oil, but soaks in a little quicker and easier. I also have been adding it to my homemade shampoo, and it has helped keep my scalp moisturized during this cold winter.
I like to use this as a hair mask rather than coconut oil. I find that for my thin hair, coconut oil is much harder to get out than jojoba oil.
How do you like to use jojoba oil?
Thanks for reading!
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