Food & Drink Magazine

Beauty Products Plus Deals is Dealstan

By Subha Bose
 As Coco Chanel, one of the demigods of fashion once said, “a girl should be two things: classy and fabulous”. Beauty is an integral ingredient in achieving both the former and the latter. Of course, beauty comes from within. But there’s nothing wrong with helping Mother Nature in her quest to make her creations fabulous.
People buy almost everything online: shoes, books, clothes, jewellery, orthopedic supports; the list goes on. Beauty products are no exception. Here are five online stores which gives you an array of choices in beauty products and make up essentials.
1. Flipkart - Flipkart sells a variety of beauty and personal care products. From Sunscreen to Hair Dryers to perfumes to Lip Stick, Flipkart will have you looking like the inside of a Victoria’s Secret catalog. review
2. Amazon India - Amazon India has just set up a beauty and health care branch on their online store. You can shop based on type of beauty product (nail paint, face make up, etc.) or the brand that you favour. Almost every major brand is solicited, including Maybelline, Lakme and Colorbar.
Beauty products plus deals is Dealstan
3. The Body Shop - A lot of retail stores have online branches. The Body Shop has embraced the new type of customer - the one that prefers to shop online. The Body Shop offers almost every product that would be available in its “real life” store. It also offers expert advice on how to dress and look like you have spent a million dollars on your dress, shoes and accessories. review
It also helps you sift through the latest trends and best selling items with its ‘What’s Hot’ category.
4. Healthkart - Whether you have acne, wrinkles, oily skin, fair skin, olive skin; any type of skin or skin problem, Healthkart offers cost efficient solutions. review
No matter how much Justin Bieber endorses it, skin and health care products are a little too expensive to allow for experimentation. Healthkart, however, offers great deals on Beauty and Bath products. Its ‘Clearance Sale’ category offers huge discounts, some as large as 60% off.
5. StrawberryNET - This site is sells beauty and health care products exclusively. It offers hair care, grooming and beauty products for men and women alike. review
The site offers great deals on products from reputed brands such as Estee Lauder and Annick Goutal.
The list of online stores which sells beauty products cannot be limited to just five. However these stores are specific in the products they sell and the customers they cater to. If you want Indian branded products Flipkart can give you innumerable choices, however if you are only satisfied with plentiful of choices in terms of brands and variety in terms of products then Amazon is the virtual world to be. If you are a loyal customer of Bodyshop products and money is not the factor for considering good quality products then you can shop at Bodyshop online store. If you are a price conscious customer then Healthkart is the best place for your beauty shopping. If foreign brands and cosmetics titillates you then try out the Strawberrynet to get the best deals on International brands.
But it is still hard to swap between your preferences and websites when you have to shop. That is where helps by showcasing the best deals on beauty products on one platform.
Beauty products plus deals is Dealstan
The website helps you to find the cheapest deals and offers on beauty products from major online stores without tiring yourself and making shopping a blissful and economic affair. 
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