Tennents has come up with free Emergency PresenTs to help save Valentine’s Day or cheer you up.
Bars such as Glasgow’s Howlin’ Wolf, Edinburgh’s Wash Bar, Stirling’s Katie’s Bar, Dundee’s Clark’s and Aberdeen’s Korova will have 100 ready to go presents!
If you come up with the best reason for winning an Emergency presenT, you have a chance of a range of presents from gig tickets and flowers, to dinner out or a few drinks in the pub.
Share your sob story on Twitter @tennentslager using the hashtag #pleasebeermine.

No candle light or lovey couples at The Arches on Saturday with Zoom Valentine’s Day special. Judge Jules with support from Matt Hardwick, Allen & Envy, David McKnight and Paul Cook.

The Old Hairdressers hosts a bad romance with Lady Alba romantic, whimsical and dirty evening featuring musical treats, comedy, poetry and satire.

Dress up for yourself and get those fishnets on for Burlesque Ball at The Classic Grand on Saturday.