Sports Magazine

Be The Tennis Player That Wants The Last Hit!

By Jen Campbell @TennisLife_Mag

Be The Tennis Player That Wants The Last Hit!

I want that ball...I need that ball! This is the mentality you have to have if you want to become more aggressive. I describe it like a caged animal. Instead of waiting for the ball to come near you, believe that you should be hitting the next shot. Do this and your feet will be in constant motion and you'll be ready to pounce!

Practice this in drills and practice matches and you will automatically become more aggressive and comfortable at net. Be the player that wants the last hit!

As always, my goal is to give all of you the tips and tools you need to be the best tennis players you can be. If you have any questions about rules, or situations that happened to you, please tell me about it in the comments section below and I'll address it in a future video! Also, be sure and share my posts with your tennis friends, and connect with me on and Youtube! I also have 2 new accounts so be sure and follow these as well: and .

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Be The Tennis Player That Wants The Last Hit!

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