Photo by Lenabem-Anna via Flickr
Here are some simple ideas for a more prosperous and joyful new year. I have already started practicing these “rules” during last months of 2012, but first days of the new year are the perfect time for mastering the craft of abundant and fulfilled life.
1. Decide on what you really want and know that you can have it. Work hard and don’t think about obstacles. If they show up, you’ll find a way to overcome them easily.
2. Stop complaining. What you don’t have or don’t like about the world that surrounds you can be changed.
3. Say goodbuy to negative thoughts. They never served you well. Positive thinking leads you to positive situations.
4. Enjoy simple and small beautiful things in your life. It only takes a few brush strokes to make a masterpiece painting that your life is meant to be.
5. Have a sense of where you’re going but don’t plan everything out. Leave some space for unexpected blessings. Allow miracles to enrich your presence on this planet we call Earth.
Happy 2013 everyone!