In around 1968 (ish), my mother received a new credit card from Bank of America.It was actually called the “Bank Americard” and it came with a photo of the user. Now this was before 1974 right? Women were not yet “allowed” to have credit. But had my mother’s photo on it. And right below my mother’s photo, was my father’s name.
I can still hear her saying, “I’m not John Lansdale, I am MRS. John Lansdale!”
My mother sent it back with a letter requesting “Mrs.”
They sent her a new card with no changes. She sent it back again. Same. She sent it back again. I think it was the 3rd card that finally came back with “Mrs.”
She would not have considered herself a feminist- she was working inside the rules of the day. She wasn’t even asking for her own name. Nope, she fought for her identity. She fought for her title.
And she won.
It was a Small victory.
Certain people, certain organizations, certain political parties, want to take us backward.
We need to Learn my mother’s lesson If we want to move forward again. If we want bodily autonomy we must do these three things:
Be persistent.
Be insistent.
Be demanding.
Caveat: My mother may have been content with her small victory, but in 2024 we must follow her lead into the future and total victory.