Fashion Magazine

Be About That Custom Suit Life: Freemans Sporting Club Made To Measure October Event

By David White @jacketoptional
Be About That Custom Suit Life:  Freemans Sporting Club Made To Measure October Event
The seasons have changed.  As is customary, now is the time to think about replacing those shorts &  sandals with boots & chukkas or covering up those concert tees with Fall toppers.  However, now is also the time to start taking a look at those suits again as some of you may have lost or gained inches during the barbecue & beer heavy or fitness & fair-weather months.  
We often need to adjust the tailoring of our suitings if our bodies adjust to our lifestyles.  When all else fails, it's time for a new crop of single or double breasted, Super 180's or flannels and windowpane or nailshead.  Well starting today until the 27th of October, Freemans Sporting Club, that boutique-inspired suave  menswear haven of grooming, dressing and pampering is offering a cool 20% of all of their Made To Measure Suiting.  Then to sweeten the deal and coax you away from making do with those sometimes ill-fitting off the rack deals, they are making that 20% into 30% for all first time customers and referrers.  There's no excuse now to not get fitted for the season.  Call 212.673.3209 or email to make an appointment and be about that customer fit life.  Freeman Sporting Club is located at 8 Rivington Street New York, NY 10002.Be About That Custom Suit Life:  Freemans Sporting Club Made To Measure October Event
Be About That Custom Suit Life:  Freemans Sporting Club Made To Measure October Event

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