And with twenty more people killed in Iraq from more bombings in Baghdad this morning, did this Liberation of Iraq (or Libya) from the Hussein (or Ghadafi) Regime actually do anything other than put oil revenues in other banks' hands?
THE SPIES WHO FOOLED THE WORLD click that link to be taken to the iPlayer page for this edition of Panorama.
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Free Planet would still like to know exactly who fed whom at the BBC the headline news story of the 'collapse' of the Salomon Brothers Building i.e. World Trade Center #7, on the morning of 9/11 twenty minutes BEFORE it actually fell. Why has the BBC Panorama team never covered that specific issue? Named names, shamed gameplayers.
Oh, you didn't forget THAT (pinch of salt) did you?
Anyway, the title of this Panorama programme is ultra-misleading in that it implies that the people 'selling the intel' to the Intelligence Agencies are to blame when actually it should be called THE FOR-PROFIT SPY GAME THAT RUINED THE WORLD. The summary of this Panorama show concludes that factionism within the US-congress and LIES from some Iraqis 'fooled the world' into invading a sovereign country. Why did no MI6 staff turn up at Parliament or on TV/Radio loudly denouncing Tony Blair's public justifications to the House and calling the whole Invasion Cry a folly based on fabricated credentials?
Free Planet doesn't buy this whole 'oh, we didn't believe Curveball's intel' excuse from MI6 and CIA but they still allowed the Iraq Invasion to take place. Would an intelligence service really do that? Even though you might not like the man, was Tony Blair set up to take the fall for the planned corporate take-down of Iraq, as Cameron was set up for the Libya take-down? And Syria, is that gonna implicate Cameron, too? As Mali will implicate France's Hollande? Does what happened to JFK graphically illustrate what Presidents and Prime Ministers really are i.e. (expendable) pawns on the Global Chess Game table?
Then, who is really running the show? Who's in control of our Free Planet? It's not You The People.