
Battlefield 2042 Will Put Bots In Matches If They Don’t Fill Up With People

Posted on the 16 June 2021 by Saraluck

With the promise of 128 player matches on current-gen consoles, Battlefield 2042 would need a consistently high player count to make sure players always have an enemy to fire at. Since that’s not possible to guarantee, developer DICE has thought of a way around the issue: lots of bots.

According to a post on EA’s website, Battlefield 2042 will be keeping servers constantly packed using AI soldiers. That being said, there isn’t a guarantee that you’ll be going up against bots in every match. AI soldiers will be “used for server-filling capabilities, ensuring your matches remain full, no matter your location.” In other words, if your server can be filled with 128 real players, they will be.

It’s worth noting that on last-gen consoles, players likely won’t see as many bots thanks to a lower player count. On the PS4 and Xbox One, games of conquest and breakthrough will only go up to 64 players, as opposed to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S, which can house up to 128 per match.

The inclusion of AI soldiers should be more of a boon to players far into the future when a majority of the game’s player base has moved onto another game. Likewise, anyone looking to play Battlefield 2042 into the early hours of the morning during the week or during any other dips in player count should expect to see bots filling up their lobbies.

Besides filling up lobbies, Battlefield 2042’s multiplayer experience will benefit from bots in a couple of other ways through other game modes. Anyone playing the game’s co-op mode will be able to squad up with some friends and take on a horde of enemy AI soldiers. Likewise, Battlefield 2042 will also have a solo mode, perfect for trying out new weapons or loadouts against AI soldiers only.

Battlefield 2042 is currently set to release on October 22, 2021 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

from GameSpot – Game News

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