Shopping Magazine

Batlow Cider Co.

Posted on the 22 March 2015 by Manofmany @manofmanytastes

Batlow Cider Co.

In 2011 the two Sydney brothers Rich and Sam Coombes, fulfilled their vision of turning Australia's favourite apple into a cider. A joint collaboration with Batlow fruit company yield a great success and thus Batlow Cider was created. Three and a half apples go into each cider without any added sugar or concentrate to create a cider with a refreshingly crisp, fresh and fragrant taste. They have since introduced two more incredible flavours including the cloudy apple and recently launched the OPA, Oaked pear and apple. Also be on the lookout this winter for a mulled cider recipe from Batlow that is developed around the cider. It should be a real treat.

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