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Basic Dogs Routine Care

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
dog routine care

Dogs need help from their owners to lead happy, fulfilled and healthy lives. To maintain your dog’s mental and physical health, certain dogs routine care procedures must be carried out on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. Some of these are the following:

  • Correct nutrition
  • Grooming
  • Exercise
  • Training
  • Monitoring behavior
  • Providing stimulating activities
  • Checking vital signs
  • Parasite control
  • Arranging for vaccinations


Dog Body Condition

Dogs can suffer from obesity if they don’t get enough exercise in a relation to the food they receive on a daily basis. Being overweight can seriously affect your dog’s health and shorten his life. Ask the breeder or your vet what the ideal weight for your dog is so that you can keep track of any deviation from this, which may indicate a health problem.

dog obesity

- image source

Check out home made remedies for overweight dogs.


Dog Elimination

The most important things to look out for are:

  • Discomfort in urinating and/or defecating
  • Unusual elimination, such as defecating/urinating in the house when normally your dog is clean
  • A constant need to eliminate, often with no satisfactory result
  • Blood in the feces or urine, or other abnormalities such as very loose or very hard stools
  • Not as many eliminations as normal
  • Worms in the feces

Any deviation in usual elimination should be closely monitored. If this persists for more than a day, seek veterinary advice. If worms are seen in the feces, deworm your dog.

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