
Bash Script – Using Cron

Posted on the 14 October 2023 by Satish Kumar @satish_kumar86

Welcome to our guide on using cron in Bash scripting. If you’re looking to automate tasks on your Linux or Unix-based system, you’re in the right place. Cron is a powerful tool that allows you to schedule and run scripts or commands at specific times or on a regular basis.

In this article, we’ll break down the concept of cron and crontab, show you how to create and edit cron jobs, explain how to specify time intervals and schedules, and teach you how to manage user-specific cron jobs. We’ll also dive into the world of recurring task scheduling, helping you set up daily, weekly, and monthly schedules and explore advanced scheduling techniques.

Whether you’re a system administrator looking to streamline your tasks or a Bash script enthusiast eager to automate processes, understanding cron will be a valuable addition to your skill set. So, let’s get started with the basics of using cron in your Bash scripts.

Understanding Cron and Its Importance in Bash Scripting

Cron is like a helpful timekeeper for your computer. It’s an essential tool when you want your computer to do things automatically at specific times or on a regular schedule. Think of it as your digital alarm clock for running tasks.

Why is it important in Bash scripting?

Well, in Bash scripting, we write sets of instructions that tell our computer what to do. These instructions can be anything from simple tasks like making backups to more complex ones. Cron helps us execute these scripts exactly when we want them to run.

Imagine you have a script that needs to run every day to update your website or back up important files. Without cron, you’d have to remember to run it manually every day. With cron, you can set it up to run automatically, saving you time and making sure your tasks happen when they should.

What is Cron?

Cron is like your computer’s personal time manager. It’s a tool that helps you schedule and run tasks at specific times or on certain schedules. Imagine you have a list of things your computer needs to do, like sending you a daily weather report or backing up your important files. Cron is the one in charge of making sure those tasks happen when you want them to.

Definition of Cron as a Time-Based Job Scheduler

In simple terms, cron is a time-based job scheduler. It’s been around for a long time and has a rich history. Think of it as your digital alarm clock that rings to remind your computer to perform tasks. It’s like saying, “Hey computer, do this task every day at 3 PM.”

Historical Significance of Cron

Cron has been around since the early days of Unix-based operating systems, which are the foundation for Linux systems. It’s a tried-and-true tool that has been helping people automate tasks for decades. Its longevity and continued use in modern computing show just how important and reliable it is.

What is Crontab?

Now, let’s talk about crontab. It’s like the control center for cron jobs.

Explanation of Crontab as the Configuration File for Cron Jobs

Crontab is a configuration file where you set up your cron jobs. It’s where you tell cron what tasks to run and when to run them. Think of it as your to-do list for your computer. You write down the tasks you want to automate and when you want them to happen in this file.

How Crontab Manages Scheduled Tasks

When you save your tasks in the crontab file, cron keeps an eye on it. It checks the crontab regularly to see if there are any tasks scheduled. If it finds a task that’s due to run, it executes it, just like your alarm clock waking you up in the morning.

Script Examples

Here’s a simple example to help you understand:

Let’s say you want to print “Hello, World!” to a file every day at 10 AM. You’d create a cron job in the crontab like this:

> /path/to/your/file.txt " style="color:#d8dee9ff;display:none" aria-label="Copy" class="code-block-pro-copy-button">
010***echo"Hello, World!">>/path/to/your/filetxt

In this example:

  • 0 represents the minute (0 minutes past the hour).
  • 10 represents the hour (10 AM).
  • * * * represents the day of the month, month, and day of the week, meaning it will run every day.

And the echo command adds “Hello, World!” to a file.

Creating and Editing Cron Jobs

Cron jobs are like automated assistants for your computer. They help you run tasks without having to do them manually. In this section, we’ll learn how to create new cron jobs and make changes to existing ones.

Creating a New Cron Job

Creating a new cron job is like writing down a task on your to-do list and setting a specific time for it.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a New Cron Job

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Type crontab -e and press Enter. This command opens your crontab file for editing.
  3. Now, you’ll see a text editor. To create a new cron job, add a line with the following format:
  • The five * symbols represent the minute, hour, day of the month, month, and day of the week, in that order.
  • Replace /path/to/your/command with the command or script you want to run.

4. Save the file and exit the text editor.

That’s it! You’ve created a new cron job. For example, to run a script called every day at 2 PM, you’d write:


Editing Existing Cron Jobs

Editing an existing cron job is like adjusting your schedule.

Instructions on How to Modify or Delete Cron Jobs

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Type crontab -e and press Enter to open your crontab file for editing.
  3. Find the line with the cron job you want to edit.
  4. Make your changes. You can modify the timing or the command itself.
  5. Save the file and exit the text editor.

Examples of Editing Existing Cron Tasks

Let’s say you have a cron job that runs a backup script every night at midnight:


If you want to change it to run at 2 AM instead, you’d edit the line like this:


And if you want to remove the job altogether, you’d simply delete the line.

Specifying Time Intervals and Schedules

When you create a cron job, you need to tell it when to run. This section explains how to specify those time intervals and schedules effectively.

Basic Cron Schedule Format

Cron uses a straightforward format to specify when a job should run. There are five fields, each representing a different aspect of time:

Minute (0-59): This field controls when the job starts within the hour.

Hour (0-23): It determines the hour of the day when the job runs.

Day of the Month (1-31): It selects the day of the month for the job to start.

Month (1-12): This field indicates the month when the job should run.

Day of the Week (0-7): It decides the day of the week, where both 0 and 7 represent Sunday.

How to Set Each Field to Specify When a Cron Job Runs

To specify when a cron job runs, you fill in these fields with numbers or special characters. Here’s how you do it:

  • Use numbers to indicate specific times, e.g., 5 for 5 minutes past the hour.
  • Use * to mean “every” or “any” for a field. For example, * in the hour field means every hour.
  • Use comma , to list multiple values, like 1,15 in the hour field for 1 AM and 3 PM.
  • Use dash - to specify a range of values, e.g., 2-5 in the day of the week for Tuesday to Friday.
  • Use / to set intervals. For instance, */15 in the minute field means every 15 minutes.

Common Time Intervals

Cron also offers some handy predefined intervals that make scheduling even easier.

Examples and Use Cases for Common Intervals

@daily: This is equivalent to 0 0 * * *, and it runs your job once every day at midnight. Useful for daily backups.

@weekly: This translates to 0 0 * * 0, which means your job runs once every week, specifically on Sundays. Great for weekly reports or maintenance tasks.

@monthly: It corresponds to 0 0 1 * *, so your job executes on the 1st day of every month at midnight. Ideal for monthly tasks like system updates.

How to Use These Predefined Intervals

To use these predefined intervals, simply replace the five fields in your cron job with the corresponding interval. For example, to run a script every day at 2 PM, you could use:


Or, you could make it simpler using the @daily interval:


Managing User-Specific Cron Jobs

Cron jobs can be set up either for individual users or for the entire system. In this section, we’ll explore the differences between user-specific and system-wide cron jobs and learn how to set up user-specific cron jobs.

User-Specific vs. System-Wide Cron Jobs

Difference Between User-Specific and System-Wide Cron Jobs

  1. User-Specific Cron Jobs: These are jobs that run only for a particular user. They don’t affect other users on the system. Each user can have their own set of cron jobs, tailored to their needs.
  2. System-Wide Cron Jobs: These are jobs that run for all users on the system. They’re typically used for tasks that need to happen regardless of who is logged in. System-wide cron jobs are often managed by the system administrator.

When to Use Each Type

  • User-Specific Cron Jobs: Use these when you have tasks specific to a particular user’s needs. For example, if you want to schedule a script to update a user’s personal files or send them reminders.
  • System-Wide Cron Jobs: Use these when you have tasks that need to happen for the entire system, regardless of who is using it. For example, system maintenance tasks like cleaning up temporary files.

Setting Up User-Specific Cron Jobs

Creating user-specific cron jobs is straightforward. Here are the steps:

Open Terminal: Open your terminal as the user for whom you want to create the cron job.

Edit the Crontab: Type crontab -e and press Enter. This opens the user’s crontab file for editing.

Add Your Cron Job: In the crontab file, add your desired cron job using the appropriate format we discussed earlier. For example:


This job runs the script every day at 2 AM.

Save and Exit: Save the file and exit the text editor.

Permissions and Security Considerations

It’s essential to consider permissions and security when managing cron jobs:

File Permissions: Ensure that the script or command you’re scheduling has the necessary permissions to run. Make sure it’s executable (you can use chmod +x to make it executable).

Security: Be cautious when running scripts automatically, especially if they have the potential to harm the system or access sensitive data. Only run trusted scripts and commands in your cron jobs.

Recurring Task Scheduling

Cron is a fantastic tool for automating repetitive tasks. In this section, we’ll explore how cron handles these recurring tasks, provide examples of tasks that benefit from recurring schedules, and show you how to set up daily, weekly, and monthly schedules. We’ll also dive into advanced scheduling techniques.

Defining Recurring Tasks with Cron

Cron excels at handling tasks that need to be done repeatedly, like clockwork. It’s like having a virtual assistant who never forgets to perform tasks on time.

Explanation of How Cron Handles Repetitive Tasks

Cron uses its five fields (minute, hour, day of the month, month, and day of the week) to specify when a task should repeat. By configuring these fields, you can define a schedule for your task. For instance, if you want a backup script to run every day at midnight, you’d set up the cron job like this:


Cron will then execute the script automatically every day at exactly midnight.

Examples of Tasks That Benefit from Recurring Schedules

Daily Backups: You can set up cron to run a backup script daily, ensuring your data is safe.

Log Rotation: Regularly rotating log files to keep them from becoming too large is a common cron task.

Setting Up Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Schedules

Let’s break down how to create cron jobs for different recurring schedules:

Daily Schedule: To run a task every day at a specific time, you can use the format we discussed earlier, like 0 2 * * * for 2 AM.

Weekly Schedule: To schedule a task every week on a specific day and time, use both the day of the week field (0-7) and the time fields. For example, to run a task every Sunday at 3 PM:


Monthly Schedule: For monthly tasks, you can set the day of the month along with the time fields. For example, to run a task on the 15th day of every month at 10 AM:


Advanced Scheduling Techniques

Cron offers some advanced features to create even more custom schedules:

  • Ranges: You can specify a range of values using a dash. For instance, 1-5 in the day of the week field runs a task on Monday through Friday.
  • Step Values: Use the / character to create intervals. For example, */15 in the minute field runs a task every 15 minutes.
  • Lists: You can list multiple values using commas. For instance, 1,15,30 in the minute field runs a task at minutes 1, 15, and 30 past the hour.


In this guide, we’ve unlocked the power of cron in Bash scripting. Cron acts as your digital timekeeper, automating tasks on your Linux system. Whether it’s daily backups, weekly reports, or monthly updates, cron makes it happen.

By understanding cron and crontab, specifying time intervals, and managing user-specific jobs, you’ve gained essential skills. You’ve learned to create, edit, and schedule cron jobs. Plus, you’ve explored recurring tasks and advanced scheduling.

With cron, you have the key to efficient automation, boosting your productivity as you master the art of timed task execution. So, start using cron in your Bash scripts and let your computer do the work for you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is cron, and why is it important in Bash scripting?

Cron is a time-based job scheduler that automates tasks on your Linux system. It’s vital in Bash scripting because it allows you to schedule and run scripts or commands at specific times or on a regular basis, automating repetitive tasks.

How do I create a new cron job?

To create a new cron job, open your terminal, type crontab -e, add a line with the schedule and command, save, and exit. For example:

0 2 * * * /path/to/

runs the script daily at 2 AM.

Can I edit or delete existing cron jobs?

Yes, you can edit existing cron jobs. Use crontab -e, find the job, make changes, and save. To delete, remove the line in the crontab file.

What are common time intervals in cron?

Common intervals include:

  • @daily: Runs once daily at midnight.
  • @weekly: Runs once a week on Sundays.
  • @monthly: Runs on the 1st day of each month at midnight.

How do I set up user-specific cron jobs?

For user-specific cron jobs, use crontab -e in the user’s terminal. Add your cron job, save, and exit. Each user can have their own set of cron jobs.

What are the differences between user-specific and system-wide cron jobs?

User-specific cron jobs are for individual users, while system-wide jobs run for all users. Use user-specific for tasks related to a specific user and system-wide for tasks that affect the entire system.

What is an advanced scheduling technique in cron?

Advanced techniques include using ranges (e.g., 1-5 for Monday to Friday), step values (e.g., */15 for every 15 minutes), and lists (e.g., 1,15,30 for specific minutes). These techniques help create custom schedules for complex scenarios.

How can I ensure security with cron jobs?

Be cautious when running scripts automatically. Only use trusted scripts and ensure they have the necessary permissions. Security is crucial, especially for automated tasks.

What kind of tasks benefit from recurring schedules in cron?

Tasks like backups, log rotation, and maintenance benefit from recurring schedules. Cron ensures they happen regularly, saving you time and effort.

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