Fashion Magazine

Bare Leg Season, Opened

By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy


I’m back! Sorry for my online absence this weekend but my Vienna trip was both fun and exhausting as well, so after getting home really late on Saturday I was in no mood for anything yesterday! Even us bloggers sometimes need a weekend off :)
I’ll tell you all about Vienna later but right now it’s time for something that is also very important: I’m opening bare leg season today. Not that I have any power to open it myself for the rest of the country but I’m opening my personal bare leg season here. I’m ready, even though I might not be the first.
And I’m celebrating my bare leg season with a new dress, all the way from New York. You know I’m not much of a dress person but occasionally I’m in the mood for one, especially if it’s not that girly and preferably oversized or sporty. I’m really into this one with the draped mesh on top and the simple black bottom. A good day dress but also very well transformable into party wear with a pair of heels and the right jewelry and accessories. But this is how I love to wear my dresses most: sporty with a good pair of kicks and a jacket.
Are you ready for bare leg season yet?

Dress: Addison / Bomber jacket: Stussy via ASOS / Sneakers: Pony via ASOS 

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