Debate Magazine

Barack Obama's Diary: Pranking Joe

Posted on the 01 April 2013 by Hughvw

Barack Obama's Diary: Pranking Joe

Dear Diary: I've been on a roll today. The White House Easter Egg Roll, to be more precise. My minions had arranged for some eggs to be in a special eco-friendly wrapper with Michelle and my signatures on them. Michelle wanted eggs to be filled with broccoli and tofu, but the EPA said that might choke the Lesser Banded Possum, or some such creature, so we had to abandon the idea. I had no chance to prank anyone, so when I had lunch with Biden and he bit down on a piece of steak, I said: "How are you enjoying Netanyahu? Joe instantly stopped chewing, raised a napkin to his mouth and said: "Bibi? You're kidding." I said: "Nah, but if you don't like him rare, just eat your vegetables." As he spat the half-masticated mouthful into his napkin I said merrily: "April Fool!" Hilarious, though I say so myself and I do. But enough about me.

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