Debate Magazine

Barack Obama's Diary: Nyaaa, Nyaaa, Vladimir.

Posted on the 19 December 2013 by Hughvw
Dear Diary: It's said been like old times these past few days. As I spooned up the last of my Froot Loops this morning, my iPresidentophone burst into the familiar harmonies of the Moscow Steelworkers Male Voice Choir singing Keep the Red Flag Flying. "Good Morning, Vladimir" I said, for it was he. "How are we this fine morning? "
"You know I hate false bonhomie, Obamavitch."
 "Well then, let's cut to the chase, Vlad."
 "Obamavitch, I understand you are planning to boycott personally our Sochi winter games  and, instead to send a delegation of decadent perverts as America's delegation. This will be seen as an outrage by the Soviet, I mean  Russian, people. If they are caught at their filthy practices while on our soil we will let them them accidentally fall down the ski jump without benefit of skis, if you get my drift. Well, that's all I have to say.  До свидания  dasvidania, Obamavitch."

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