Debate Magazine

Barack Obama's Diary: I'm Safer Than You...nyaaaah!

Posted on the 27 October 2014 by Hughvw
Dear Diary:  I had a glorious round of golf at Fort Belvoir today, although I did find that my full-body Ebola protective gear hampered my game. But what's a guy to do with all these unquarantined  people walking near by? I was with my usual group of junior aides:  Mike Brush, Joe Paulsen, and Marvin Nicholson. Lord knows where these guys go during their  leisure time, hence the yellow vinyl suit -- better safe than sorry.  Out of an abundance of caution the Pentagon is having isolation pods built that will fit in heavy military transport aircraft so that infected troops can be repatriated from West Africa, though, of course, none can become infected.  Purely out of prudence, I have insisted that they order an extra unit for Air Force One and reserve a doctor and nurses to go with it. I am the leader of the Free World and my safety is paramount. But enough about me.

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