Debate Magazine

Barack Obama's Diary: Boring

Posted on the 02 January 2015 by Hughvw
Dear Diary: I'm bored, I have to confess. I think Moose is bored, too. [Moose is my secret name for Michelle] I mean how many days can you spend whacking a small  ball around the same course,  eating a dinner of steak and yam fries and then gathering  the family around  the TV to watch Jeopardy? I get enough real-life jeopardy from my adversary Vlad Putin. Moose always knows the questions, so I don't even get the occasional pleasure of showing off in front of the kids, asking "Where is Bratislava?" Where is Bratislava, anyway? Even Wheel of Fortune's too similar to my decision-making system in the Oval Office to hold my attention for long.

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