Yesterday, we learned that one of Trump's closest advisors, Steve Bannon, is leaving his job at the White House. This is a good thing. Bannon was an unashamed white supremacist, and never should have had any kind of job in the White House.
But don't expect anything to change in the Trump administration. Bannon wasn't the problem. He was just a symptom of the real problem.
The real problem is that we have a fascist and white supremacist as president. Donald Trump hired some pretty bad people (Bannon, Gorka, Miller, Pruitt, Sessions, Flynn, etc.), and the reason he hired them was because they reflected his own sick and un-American views.
Trump has never tried to hide his bigotry and racism. He seems very proud of it. he repeatedly demonstrated it during his presidential campaign -- and far too many Americans either agreed with the bigotry/racism, or thought he would change once he assumed the highest office in the land.
But he hasn't changed. And he made that very clear this last weekend with his defense of the KKK, white supremacists, and nazis that met in Virginia to further their perverse aims. Instead of condemning that, Trump has tried to gloss it over by saying their were "many sides" and they were all to blame. He also refused to call the deaths and injuries from a white supremacist/nazi intentionally driving a car into a crowd of peaceful demonstrators what it actually was -- a terrorist act.
Trump has been quick to label muslims who did that very same thing as terrorists committing an act of terrorism (in Spain, France, England, etc.) -- but even when asked by the press, he absolutely refused to call the Virginia murder an act of terrorism. And that refusal speaks volumes about Trump's racist hypocrisy.
Bannon was a bad man, but he wasn't the real problem. The problem is Donald Trump, and it won't be solved until he is no longer president.