Entertainment Magazine

Bandcamp Bonanza – 089

Posted on the 19 January 2019 by Ripplemusic
Bandcamp Bonanza – 089
Bandcamp Bonanza – 089 This feature costs me more money than you would imagine. What I mean is, I bought half these albums as I was writing about them just now. Now I do get a lot of promotional codes sent to me by bands, but my habit requires just as much spending as I get for free and it’s all in the spirit of rock n roll and supporting the good thing we got going right now in the music world. I dropped $30 just here tonight adding a few of these to my collection, as I was digging in my wishlist for some lingering albums as my addiction overpowered my budgetary control. The way I look at it is I’ll just stick to free work coffee for the next week or two and the music will pay for itself. Check em out. This was a real strong week.
TrYangle - Wolf Damn, this is some wicked shit! It has a brooding progressive edge that I can’t get over. The vocals are intriguing with a twisted melody and a grinding fuzz leaving you in awe as to what’s coming next. For those looking for something fresh here’s your chance! Well done guys.
Thunderbird Divine – Magnasonic Megasonic not only plows us with hard charging distortion, but emits a cloud of multi-dimensional fuzz boosting its impact into divine territory. The layers of surprise buried deep within the heavy block of steel riffs thrust with cosmic force and plutonic origin.
Aunt Cynthia’s Cabin – Mud Room #13 God damn this sounds promising. Although there is 4 more songs coming with the full release slated for February 8th, 2019 its worth your money to buy it now just for the song ‘Arrows’ alone. The Southern CA jammers forge a garage rock ecstasy complete with bone chilling twang and soul piercing tempo. Mud Room #13 shakes the silty haze of psych free from your stoned and weary mind with its mountainous spirit and transcendental flow.
The Dalton Correction – Beware of Yahara The Dalton Correction kind of hit me out of nowhere. A random find I stumbled upon. What caught my eyes and ears was obviously the descriptions of the band and the availability of vinyl. Buenos Aires, Argentina has somewhat of a killer heavy psych scene and the entire continent of South America for that matter embellishes in a tribal, ethnic sort of vibe. I found myself listening to this via my wishlist quite frequently this week. Although I cannot decipher the lyrics within the overall message is heard loud and clear. While writing this review I actually decided it was time to break out thy wallet and order the vinyl. I am lured into the mystique quite frequently when there are no others that appear to have noticed the album on bandcamp yet. This has a nice sound for vinyl in my house and will be a welcome addition to the family.
Petrichor – II What sold me here was the unconventional vocal tone by Tess Fisher. The music is described as occult heavy rock, which I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with, however these days occult seems to get tossed around a lot and I really would throw these guys more over into the ‘progressive’ camp of heavy rock n doom. The vocals are as chic as they are demonic and the rhythm and groove backs you up into a dark corner and slathers you with its voluptuous spirit. Ya I guess you could say occult is apt, but also don’t assume Uncle Acid occult as this is much more enjoyable for those looking for something different.
Black Atlas – Weight of the World This was released back in November and as I remember some groups online giving it the thumbs up, it lingered in my wishlist until just recently where I pushed play and succumbed myself to the English take on heavy stoner fuzz. Wow, man this is a thick slab of tender riffs with enough clout to straight up flatten the globe like a pancake. Syrup anyone?
The Sky Giants – The Shifting of Phaseworld The Sky Giants have taken a progressive turn for the better on their follow up to last years What the Future Knows. Who knew the future would take their Rush and Voivod influence and push it into early Mastodon heights with a much heavier output complete with doom sensibilities and a big phat groove. This isn’t your standard radio rock folks, this is tightly constructed and adventurous prog rock. 
Imperial Jade – On The Rise Talk about being on the rise, Spain has been dominating the release charts in my discovery as of late. I’ve always love the soulful vibe the Spanish rock scene has proven in recent years. Imperial Jade wowed me big time on their debut album Please Welcome Imperial Jade, which I featured in my
Bonanza article back in 2016. This time around they have VINYL. Yes!! The new one takes it to the next level in terms of songwriting. It may seem a little softer than the debut, but that also translates well for this kind of music. The southern down home charm is still present and a deeper sense of soul comes to life with a patronizing psych tagging along for the ride of smooth classic rock riffs of the 70’s.
Battle at Sea – Battle at Sea This was a bandcamp feed discovery the other day. The tags just looked appealing, the timing was right and the price was right. What I liked about this one is you never knew where it was going to go and it kept you on the edge of your earbuds. Taking a grizzled progressive stance in its approach the music sounds neither familiar nor does it polarize, yet it steals your heart and it crushes your expectation.
Vertical – Vol. 3 You might be thinking to yourself, “What happened to Volume 2?” Well does it really matter after pushing play on this complete shit kicker of an EP? I knew I liked these guys on their debut released back in 2017, but what they did here was floor us all with 5 new songs of high energy rock and metal. Holy mother of all holy mother f'ers! Vertical have just destroyed me on this 15th day of January, 2019. I haven't heard riffs and grooves this stimulating in quite sometime. The vocals are downright racy and the swagger is plumb tight. Favorite track: Acute.
-The Huntsman

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