Family Magazine


By Evette Garside @evette77

Inspired by over 30 years of Gundam history in Japan, Bandai brings the most iconic characters and comic book /video game heroes into an exciting new concept known as Sprukits.


Fans of DC comics, Halo and LBX can now create their favourite characters in 3D.

This one was certainly one for Ryan who seems to have developed a certain interest in construction and building.


And without sounding sexist or being accused of being gender specific, three kits do seem to be aimed towards the boys and probably those aged 8 and over. I can imagine many dads, grandads and big boys will also take pure delight in these character kits.

As you can see the boxes are all different sizes and this is because there are 3 levels of complexity with these kits. Starting with the small boxes which are easy peesy and moving up to the level 3 (big box) which you kind of need a construction degree to complete!

(Well ok no you don't but level 3 is hard and not for beginners or younger boys, I think the dads would enjoy it tho)

There's all sorts of characters to collect with these including the well known batman and superman, then Halo from the famous Microsoft game and a few more besides.

So Ryan seemed happy enough to see these and started with the small batman box. This is what's inside and it's pretty much the same for all levels, just more of it.


It looks pretty retro doesn't it. Sort of reminds me of the construction kits my brother endlessly wanted and played with and usually made a pigs ear of (I'm beginning to see a familiar family resemblance now). It's basically plastic frames with many plastic parts attached. Ryan then needs to snap the parts out which can be tricky sometimes and then build them up into a figure, like he did with Batman.


This one only took ten minutes and is the easiest level one figure. The Superman is a level 2 and took the poor boy about 2 hours and a lot of frustration but got there in the end.


And then there is Halo, the level 3. Hmm we don't yet have a built picture of this because it's not yet completed. This is some of the box contents.


There are hundreds of parts to this one and some of them very very small. It's a very complex figure and Ryan has made a start and does bits of it when he can but its just too difficult to do by his self and I'm unfortunately hopeless at model building so I'm hoping to maybe get his dad or someone to help him with it. The end figure will look like this.


Full instructions come with each kit and all in picture/diagram form.

All the kits come with an age level guide of 8 and over but I do feel the level 3 perhaps need a higher age on the box as it is very difficult. Ryan did enjoy the other kits and is a little frustrated that he can't yet complete Halo but there is no rush for him to I guess.

The kits all contain small plastic parts so need be kept from little ones but they do not need glue, paint, brushes or scissors. They don't take batteries either but they do all have moveable joints. I guess hero figures is a mans thing. They all seem to love building them.

Sprukits come from Bandai and are available in most good toy stores and Amazon. Prices vary.

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