Family Magazine

Ballerina Baby Shower Dessert Table by "And Everything Sweet"

By Littlebigcompany1 @littlebigcompny

The lovely Kate from And Everything Sweet  made all the sweet treats, including the amazing Angelina Ballerina cake not to mention the ballerina cookies, the tulle tablecloth and styled this gorgeous Ballerina Baby Shower. It's truly beautiful - Using printables from Amanda's Parties To Go Ballerina Collection To see more of Kate's work go to her blog here.

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By Gloria Hutcheson Hayes
posted on 24 March at 22:48

I loved everthing about the Ballerina Baby Shower. It is sheer perfection. The soft colors, the amazing Angelina Ballerina cake, the so adorable ballerina cookie shoes.....the chocolate cupcakes and the decorations and tables were out of this world. In a word, perfection!