I receive emails every day offering some new (and very expensive) salve, cream or pill for pain relief. All because I bought my mother an ointment for her arthritic knees. Then, I taught her Dynamind, and she now uses this mind-body technique to relieve not only any pain in her knees, but her tension headaches too… balancing her Root and Third Eye Chakras.
I first introduced Dynamind in my book, Chakra Secrets, and over a million people around the world are using it to heal themselves of pain and emotional distress, according to its developer, Hawaiian shaman, Serge Kahili King, Ph.D. In Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life (FREE today and tomorrow on Amazon Kindle) I show how to use DYNAMIND adapted for each chakra, which I find makes it even more effective as an “instant” healing technique.
What have others had to say about this method of chakra healing?
“In this book, Becca Chopra shares how to relax the body and mind enough so that our healing energy can flow freely through our chakras. I learned this “instant healing” Dynamind technique from Serge Kahili King at our yearly Hawaii Health Getaway, but find it even more effective in relieving tension and pain when coupled with chakra visualization and toning, as Becca Chopra describes. Just like regular exercise can keep one’s body and mind toned, using the Dynamind Toners described in this book can keep your chakras and your body in balance.” ~ Ann Doherty, RN, CDE
“I read this book and another of Becca’s, checked out her website, and viewed her video that follows this book. For the first time in 2 years, I am pain free. I am more at peace. THANKS!” ~ Amazon reviewer
Yes, there’s even a video which you can also download for FREE, in which you can follow along as I apply Dynamind to healing pain, aches, and emotional problems associated with each chakra. Balance and Tone Your Chakras can be downloaded on my website at www.theChakras.org.
Happy healing!
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life and The Chakra Energy Diet