I understand the situation with the intent of preserving our environment, however, this no plastic bags handed out for grocery packaging at the supermarkets is annoying and ridiculous to me.
I remember back in March or April earlier this year when the situation first went into effect, making everything so inconvenient, as we customers were instructed to bring our own recyclable bags.
We were all warned ahead of time through the media, yet I was holding out hope that the circumstance would eventually be overturned.
To my delight, I noticed certain supermarkets began reissuing out the plastic grocery bags to collect our items in again. The pleasantry last for a good while, nevertheless, I noticed not too long ago now the markets have repeated the action of not handing out the plastic bags to sell us all- mostly cheap quality- paper bags that usually tear apart before one can even get their groceries home.
Life is already hard within this fallen world. Particular authorities in government tend to continue to make some things harder than what they actually have to be.