Dating Magazine


By Datecoachtoni @CoachToni

Can you imagine a world where men would be made fun of following one of their popular contests? Men traditionally compete around their strength and endurance, athletic ability, smarts and professional achievements—and yes, their attractiveness and success with women. Everything from body builder contests to The Bachelor—men show what they are made of, and show it off, too.

The Ms. America pageant is an institution in this country. Regardless of how it has been viewed recently—it once drew and large audience and the winners went on to further schooling due to winning scholarships and to a variety of careers that follow that kind of exposure. It was a way for women to use what they have to get a leg up—after all, don’t all of us identify then maximize our talents to achieve success?

Now women who compete in these pageants are ridiculed. They are criticized for allowing themselves to be objectified—please…. The talent part is something that people are really having fun with as is evidenced by #BadPageantTalents. It’s the top trending topic on twitter today. Interestingly enough, women are doing most of the making fun of… so much for sisterhood.

Isn’t true choice about making life decisions that we believe are best for us—without being held back, ostracized, criticized or sabotaged for our choices? The feminist movement was supposed to have been all about that—however, things don’t seem to have changed that much, or enough. There have ALWAYS been women professionals, business owners and community leaders. Yes, once upon a time, they were few, but they existed. Now women can be found everywhere–on space missions, the battlefield and in the Chairman’s seat in the boardroom. If some women choose to be stay-at-home moms, to enter beauty pageants, or to work in fields that are traditionally dominated by women, so what? It’s their choice.

Oh, and all you women out there who are criticizing other women’s choices–take a closer look at what motivates you. Is it really disgust, a fear these women are hurting the cause, or just plain old-fashioned resentment towards women who follow their own path and don’t look for anyone’s permission to do so? Want to support women making their own life choices? Avoid judging and try competing only with yourself.

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