Director: William Teitler
Writer: Nancy Doyne (Screenplay)
Starring: Rob Corddry, Anna Pniowsky, Alicia Silverstone, Aisha Tyler, Michaela Watkins, Haley Joel Osment, David Paymer, Angela Oh
Plot: A couple seeks out Judy Small, a marriage counselor; but the counselor is more than what meets the eye.
Runtime: 1 Hour 37 Minutes
There may be spoilers in the rest of the review
Story: Bad Therapy starts when married couple Susan (Silverstone) and Bob (Corddry) enter into marriage therapy in an attempt to ease Susan’s mind, only to find themselves going to see Judy Small (Watkins) who starts putting ideas into their minds.
Judy however has a darker secret, one that can see unnecessary tension built up between the couple, as we see how the lives are thrown apart.
Thoughts on Bad Therapy
Thoughts – Bad Therapy is a comedy that feels like it should be a much darker film, rather than a comedy, it plays out like a psychological thriller, only to not get dark enough and not be funnier enough to play into a comedic version of the idea. The story tends to push for Susan being more paranoid, rather than the couple needing help with the only discussion they have not even getting addressed. This is a very strange film that just doesn’t seem to connect or hit anything it is trying to, not getting laughs from stars who can handle comedy with ease, while starting certain side stories and never resolving them either.
Final Thoughts – A tonally confusing film that doesn’t hit anywhere.