Only a day after my good service is everywhere experience and post, I had a day of bad service experiences – mainly across companies in one particular industry/market. I’ll leave it to the reader to guess where…

Service doesn’t need to be not good and it can easy to do it properly, but it does require some thinking about and a strategic view on what service is all about.

In this day and age, giving bad or poor service is really inexcusable. It says so much about the person and company giving it.
There are a few simple points to take service to next (and better) level:
(1) Empower the guys providing the service – let them make some of the decisions as they see fit. They’re the ones sorting out issues and queries on the front line.
(2) Give everyone training in good service – it’s a culture shift and mindset change. And requires an investment to do it properly and making sure people know what is expected and what good looks like.
(3) Define good service or even better, excellent service. Reach out to the teams providing the service and find out from them what feedback they’ve had from customers and what changes they suggest.
(4) Listen, listen and listen again, before you say anything. This is so important. Too often these days people want to tell their story or their version or side. Listen first though. The more you listen, the more you can understand and be better informed to make the right decision.

And smile – it makes a big difference to the person you’re speaking to. Again as per the last post, start thinking in all the interactions you have with other people, “How can I help this person?”.