I have written a number of blog posts on query letters. All of them get plenty of reads and shares. There are people who charge a lot of money to coach writers on how to write effective query letters. It seems as if every issue of Writers Digest has an article giving lists of tips on making the perfect query that will land you a 6 figure advance. I don't think query letters are difficult to write. There are only about 9 things you really need to know. I have also said many times and continue to believe that a bad query letter won't kill a good project and a good query letter won't help a bad project.
All that being said, it's important to remember that agents get dozens of query letters every day and tend to skim through them quickly. You need to have the right tone, to provide the relevant information, to avoid verbosity, and to sound professional. Here are some particularly bad pitches I see frequently along with some commentary by me.
"This is a fiction novel." [Editors don't like redundancy in writing. Agents don't like redundancy in query letters. Rather say "This is a novel, or this is a work of fiction - and maybe include the genre as well.]
"This is a non-fiction novel" [More common than you would imagine and a particularly clueless pitch; one that elicits squeals of laughter when agents bring it up with each other and with audiences.]
"I know you probably won't want to represent this book, but here goes." [ It's really a very convincing pitch. The writer has given a compelling reason for me to reject his project. If the writer doesn't have confidence in his book, then why should I?]
"I've already been rejected by 25 agents, but here goes." [Similar to the previous. Most agents are aware that writers make multiple query submissions and that is perfectly ok. You don't have to call attention to how many rejections you have received, though.]
"There is nothing like this book that has ever been published." [ This is the opposite of the examples above. It's one of the worst pitches you can make. It sends the message that you have delusions of grandeur and will be a difficult client to manage. And it also raises the reasonable question of whether there is, perhaps, a good reason why such a book has never been published.]
"I am wondering if you might possibly be interested in considering...." [ Literary throat-clearing like this in a query letter is indicative of literary throat-clearing in the text of the project. It's horrible style. Better would be "I am submitting" or "I am submitting for your consideration"]
"Because you represent NAME OF A GREAT SCHOLAR, FAMOUS POLITICAL JOURNALIST, etc, I thought you might be the right person to represent my work of erotic women's fiction." [This bad pitch needs no further comment.]
"I am looking for an agent to represent my film script." [It's ok if the agent you are querying represents film scripts, but most literary agents don't or else they work in collaboration with an entertainment agent.]
"I am submitting to you because you represent" GENRES THAT I DON'T REPRESENT." [Similar to the previous bad pitch. Do your research and make sure you are sending projects to agents specifically interested in the genre of your submission.]
"I am looking for a New York agent who...." [A particularly hateful pitch to me. First of all, I have a big chip on my shoulder about "New York agents", because it no longer matters whether the agent is in New York or elsewhere. Second of all, the author needs to do his research and find out if the agent is, in fact, a "New York agent." Many of us are not, thank God!]
"I submit for your consideration my Literary-Commercial novel with YA possibilities." [There are numerous variations of this. Although there are times when a project can only be described as cross-genre, frequently this pitch is simply indicative of the fact that the writer can't decide who his audience is.]
"This book is bound to make a great movie." [ I've never known an author who didn't think his novel would make a great movie. And that's ok. But you can probably leave it out of a query letter. Most book and entertainment agents are probably better suited for deciding if a story is a good bet for film adaptation than the author. It also sends a message that the writer may have delusions of grandeur.]
"Oprah/Terry Gross will love this book." [Another indicator of delusions of grandeur. Avoid mentioning Oprah at all.]
"This book is like Eat, Pray, Love meets Malcolm Gladwell." [These books are the most often cited comps. Realistically your book is not going to sell as well as Eat, Pray, Love or the works of Gladwell. And realism is a very important virtue in a writer.]
"This book is like Eat, Pray, Love meets Kant's Critique of Pure Reason." [I don't particularly like this kind of blah blah meets blah blah kind of pitch. But some agents do. So if you are going to do it, try to at least make the comparables intelligible. Otherwise it's just name dropping.]
"This is a combination diet book/ memoir" (or any other combo that includes a memoir). [Sneaking a memoir into a book of another genre is almost irresistible, and there are some rare instances where it makes sense. But if you aren't, in fact, writing a memoir, it might be a good idea to leave yourself out of it. If you are writing about, say, how to discipline your child, the reader is looking for answers for themselves, and is likely not interested in your life experiences, fascinating though they may be.]
"This book was previously self-published, but I want to have the marketing power of a commercial publisher behind me." [It is unrealistic to expect that a commercial publisher is going to put lots more resources into promoting your book than you already have as a self-published author. What is true, though, is that you are more likely to get review attention or get placed in a bookstore if your book is commercially published.]
"This book was previously self-published and had very good sales." [Normally when I look into this further, I discover that the writer's idea of "very good sales" means about 500 copies, which is to say it had not very good sales. You need to be honest in this business. Probably best to tell the agent exactly what those sales were. But even if your sales were very good, if you were selling your e-book for 99 cents or, as is often the case, giving it away for free, it isn't all that impressive a pitch.]
" This book will sell millions of copies." [Delusions of grandeur.]
"Anyone interested in women's health will buy this book." [I see this frequently in book proposals. You need to be able to distinguish between an "audience" and a "demographic". There are, for instance, about 4 billion people in the world interested in women's health. In all probability, most of them will not be reading your book.]
"This book is side-splittingly funny." [Humor is difficult to write and very subjective. This pitch is another indicator of delusions of grandeur. I have represented a number of books that to me actually were side-splittingly funny. But I failed to sell them, because the acquisition editors didn't "get" it.]
"This book is darkly comic." [I hear the pitch for "darkly comic" a lot. To me that usually means "not particularly funny".]
I have written about pitches and query letters in a number of blog posts. You can check these out:
How to Pitch to an AgentThe Art of the Pitch
The Best Query Letter Ever Written
9 Tips for Effective Query Letters
Tags: andy ross agency, book publishing, pitches, query letters, writing