With the new term around the corner, we were recently sent some BIC goodies to review. As a child, I always remember having new stationary at the start of the term and I always remembered how much I loved having new stationary. Maxwell is due to attend school next September however this year he is starting a new preschool although he does not require stationary to start the new year with, we use a lot of stationary at home and Maxwell was thrilled to get his hands on some BIC kids products.
As we have had many wet days over the half term, Maxwell has spent a reasonable amount of time trying out his new BIC goodies and we have nothing but positive words to report back about the BIC products we were sent to review.
Magic Felt Pens - This pack of pens comes with 10 colouring felt pens and 2 magic erasers. Maxwell adored using these as he could create fun pictures that stood out. He simply drew shapes and pictures with the magic erasers and then coloured over the picture scene with the felt pens. The shapes which he drew with the magic eraser stayed white and the area which he coloured was coloured vibrant, bright colours. These are designed for children aged 3+.
Turn And Colour Wax Crayons - I simply adore these pens. They are fantastic for children, last a long time and are very easy to use. When you want to use one of these crayons, all you simply need to do is twist the button at the end of the crayon and slowly the crayon will appear. The fantastic thing about these crayons is they do not need to be sharpened. They are perfect for small hands. These are designed for children aged 3+. You get 12 in a pack.
Triangle colouring pencils - The pencils are like regular pencils however they are shaped triangularly. The shape of these pencils teaches children the correct way to hold a pencil which prepares children for school. The pencils are jumbo sized and come in a great arrange of bright colours. The are perfect for tiny hands to grip. These are perfect for children aged 2 years +. You get 12 in a pack.
Triangle Crayons - Maxwell adores using crayons and these are simply fantastic. The crayons are shaped triangularly. The crayons are large in size. The crayons are designed not to make a mess and do not get over hands and clothing. These are perfect for children to use at the age of 1+. You get 12 in a packet.
Bic have sent us 4 products to give away to 1 lucky reader. 1 lucky reader of Mummy To The Max will be in with the chance of winning: 1 pack of Mechanical grip pencils, 1 pack of Crystal Stylus pens designed for tablets/smartphones, 1 pack of tropicolours colouring pencils and a retractable mechanical pencil.
To enter this competition all you simply need to do is enter the rafflecopter below.
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*We were given 4 products of the BIC range to complete this review. All thoughts & opinions are my own.