Lifestyle Magazine

Back to School! Paperchase Wishlist

By Aworldfullofprettiness
Its that time of the year again where pretty stationary floods the shops ready for all the kids going back to school. However who said it was just for school kids? I've been a sucker for stationary ever since I was a kid. My mom used to give me pocket money when I visited the shops. What did I always come back with? A new rubber, pencil sharpener and a fluffy pen.
Stationary has expanded a huge amount since then and everything has become a whole lot prettier, which means its a whole lot more addictive too! There's something so motivating about writing in a fresh new notepad with a snazzy new pen...
Here's what I'm currently loving from Paperchase... thankfully I don't have a nearby store otherwise my bank would be pretty empty!
Untitled #45
I love the Pony Part selection, if not a bit too young for me, but cute nonetheless. Unfortunately I'm not in education anymore, and haven't been for sometime, so I don't get to take advantage of the academic diaries but I thought this diary was too cute not to add.
I'm still yet to own a sharpie (say whaaa?!) but these colours are right up my street.
I love a good 'to do' list, and this bold one would definitely make me want to write in it!

Who else is a sucker for stationary?

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