Lifestyle Magazine

Baby Update - 10 Months Old

By Catty212
I can't believe my little man is 10 months old already. It doesn't seem two seconds since he was a tiny little baby, now he's a proper little man who is into everything. He seems so grown up. 
Baby update - 10 months oldPersonality

He's fiercely independent and is always on the move. Now he's found his feet there's no stopping him. He's toddling round all the furniture and two days ago stood for ten seconds without holding onto anything. He can move faster than the speed of light with his walker, sprinting across the living room floor laughing hysterically to himself.

He's so vocal and constantly chatting away to himself, us or random old ladies in cafes! His new little thing is roaring! He sounds like a tiny tiger. He's added some more words/sounds to his range. Instead of just 'Da' over and over we're now privileged to have 'Ba', 'Va', 'Fa' and 'Di'. He's still not keen on anything Mammy related, he's said it a few times but only when he's annoyed or upset. 

He still loves being around people and will do anything for a 'hello' from a random stranger. 

He;'s started waving today too. It's really sweet and looks like a proper side to side wave. 

Baby update - 10 months old

He's had a couple of off color days where he's had a high temperature but nothing that's been very long lasting. He always seems to be a little ill after he's been to our local SureStart baby group. 

We finally had our hospital appointment to check the little mans hips and find out if he had what I have, thankfully, he doesn't! It was such a relief knowing he's developing well and doesn't appear to have any of the hip and back issues I do. 

Still only the two bottom teeth but he's the dribbliest baby in the world, so I don't think the next ones are too far away. 

Baby update - 10 months old

His feeding is great. He eats pretty much anything we give him. His favourites are still ham, cucumber and pasta with a tomato sauce. 

He's started feeding himself with a loaded spoon or fork while we're in the house. He's so proud of himself when he's doing it. 

Baby update - 10 months old
His sleeping is rubbish. He seems so unsettled at night, waking up every couple of hours. In the last couple of days I've started giving him an extra bottle during the day because when he wakes during the night he wants a feed. I'm not sure if he's waking because he's hungry or just because he wants the comfort from the bottle. I'm longing for the day he sleeps through again, I miss my sleep.
Baby update - 10 months old
What we've done this month

The little man met Santa for the first time at Beamish Museum. He was good as gold and only gave Santa's beard one little tug. 
Baby update - 10 months old
We've been to messy play and sensory play most weeks, where he loves getting messy and chasing the other babies.

We've visited lots of Christmas markets and bought new decorations to celebrate the little mans very first Christmas. 

We've put the tree up and surprisingly it's still up, albeit minus a few decorations at the bottom which have been removed, thrown and sucked under the sofa. The little man hasn't tried to pull the tree over yet.

My next update will after the little mans first Christmas, which I seriously cannot wait for. I'm looking forward to just the three of us enjoying our first family Christmas together and sadly, it'll also be after my return to work! I go back to work on the 2nd January and I'm dreading it. I feel sick at the thought of it. I'm returning on very slightly different hours and I'm dropping 12 hours over the course of the month, so pretty much still full time. Hopefully in June, I'll be cutting my hours in half, but we will have to see what happens with that one. 

I'm terrified I'll miss out on more of the little mans milestones, particularly his first unaided steps. He'll be with my Mam which I'm happy about but I'll miss him immensely. 

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