Yesterday was Baby Ralph’s first halloween and it could not have been more fun. I had been thinking about what Ralph was going to ‘be’ this year for a while but when I came across a picture of me from my first halloween and I was a pumpkin, I knew exactly what Ralph was going to be…a pumpkin.
Since he is way too little to trick or treat, we thought it would be more fun to surprise my grandmother, Annie, and trick or treat for Ralph’s first halloween at her house (my mom is out of town or we would have gone to her house too). My grandmother was surprised and I know if baby Ralph could talk he would say it was the best night ever. After we left my grandmothers, we picked up dinner and waited on the last of the trick or treaters at our house.
When I ordered this costume from Etsy last month, I was not sure if baby Ralph would actually like it. Funny enough, he didn’t like it, he LOVED it. The pumpkin costume was so soft and warm he felt like he was sitting in a fluffy pillow.
Since it was his very first halloween, I did order him this tootsie roll costume to wear the night before was just too funny not to put him in!
Altogether, I would say baby Ralph’s first halloween was a success. I know he is too little to remember it but I do know that my grandmother, Wade and myself will never forget it!
pumpkin costume, tootsie roll costume, ralph’s black & white onesie

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