Ask most little girls what they want for Christmas and you can guarantee the majority want a Baby Annabelle doll off Santa. Izebella loves her baby Annabell and has certainly not grown out of it just yet. Once a little girl has their own baby Annabell, it won't be too long until they want the many accessories and items that go with the doll. One of those items is the brand new bedroom playset.
The first thing I noticed about this bedroom set is just how big it is. It's huge and it makes a nice change, as most toys come smaller than expected.
It opens up to reveal all of this inside.

It combines a house, nursery and wardrobe in one. The pull out bed includes a pillow and blanket and easily accomodates a full size baby Annabell doll.

A pretty mobile hangs above the bed and there is lots of storage space for doll clothes and accessories to go, including a hanging rail.

The price is also another factor to consider if your little girl wants this. It currently retails over the £60.00 mark with many stores selling at about £64.00 so certainly not stocking filler money. It is just the bedroom set too, no dolls or outfits come included which may prove to be a disappointment if your little one does not have spare outfits to hang up.
Of course Izebella absolutely loves it. She loves pink, anything girly and also loves baby Annabell. Luckily she does have a fair few doll outfits to put in the storage and hang up. I don't think any little girl would be too disappointed with this if they already own Baby Annabell but I think it is a little bit too expensive. I would maybe pay around £40.00 for this but not £60.00 or more. Also if you are considering this, please take a look at the size of it in an actual store/shop and see if you have the room as it is a similar size to some of the dolls houses out there.