The weather last week, you guys! It was SO nice. Asa and I had lots of fun playing outside; I really love that he loves to be outside. We go out and play on the blanket and stare at the sky and the leaves… and I try to ward off the bugs. I think when he gets big enough he’s definitely going to want to explore. I can’t wait for him to discover the different texture outside– grass, moss, dirt (messy, I know..).
I have realized that while I really love hot weather, I only love it when it’s hot outside. If I’m in a car or indoors, I hate being too hot. But hey, I shouldn’t complain too much! I will take being hot everywhere to being cold all the time any day!
And now it’s drizzly and cold… and to be honest, I don’t mind this weather either. It’s nice “be inside and be lazy” weather! Although really I shouldn’t be too lazy because I have work to do, unpacking to accomplish, and organizing/repacking (things that need to be stored) to get done.
Asa is getting to that point where he’s sstarting to love looking at himself; when I held the camera up to takea few selfies (yep…) he started cooing and smiling at the viewfinder. And he loves mirrors. And other babies. I love this age!
It’s funny, I’ve heard so many people say you’ll be sad when they grow out of being newborn, but so far… I don’t miss that age. I think if anything, when he grows out of this age I might miss it. But he just gets more and more fun the more he discovers, so I don’t know!

I think Oasap might be my favorite place to get tee shirts; they’ve got a huge range of styles, and so far they’re all really nicely made, stretchy, they fit well, they’re comfortable, and the graphic print never feels like it’s going to come off at any moment.

I have been slowly beefing up my tee shirt collection, and I’ve noticed that I definitely lean towards graphic tees/nerdy tees (I’m getting a nice little collection– I have Marvel, Beauty and the Beast, and Back to the Future so far, and I nearly bought a Wonder Woman tee from the thrift store yesterday), or shirts with really bold prints.
And much like with my dresses, I don’t have a lot of plain tee shirts, haha! I’m on the lookout for a good white one and a good black one though; it’s always good to have a few neutrals to wear.

Can we just break to sya HIS ROLLS YOU GUYS. Okay. I won’t get all crazy mama on you… much. But he gets cuter every day, and I love his little chubby arms and cheeks!
We’ve discovered that he is ticklish everywhere, including his butt, ha! I was changing his diaper the other day and he started giggling.

Hot air balloon tee c/o Oasap | Thrifted vintage skirt and sunglasses | Target sandals
Baby: Target onesie, pacifier, and pacifier clip | hand-me-down shorts (similar at Costco!) | Kohl’s Put Me In the Zoo animal
Side note: I was scrolling through Pinterest the other day, and I found this pin. It’s about bra fitting. And you guys should go read it, because did you know (I did) that 90% of women wear the wrong size? I don’t usually talk about undergarments, but I think the information in that post (and also, click through to the original post she links!) is essential for every woman to know! After measuring myself, I discovered (not surprisingly, actually, because I’ve always thought I had fit problems) that I’ve been wearing bras two-three band sizes too large and five (!!!) cup sizes too small. I always accepted the size I’ve been wearing because I got measured years ago by a Macy’s associate, but um… yeah. Even back then, her assessment of my size was very off.
Unfortunately, though, my true current size is one that is hard to find in common stores. But seriously, after reading everything there, measuring myself, getting over the sticker shock, and trying on a few bras from Kohl’s (that were as close as I could get but still not anywhere near the size I need), I believe it!
So go forth, measure, and find yourself the right fit!
I hope you all have a good Monday!

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