The much anticipated and hyped audio launch of Young Tiger NTR’s Baadshah happened on March 17 in Hyderabad. The fans of Young Tiger NTR as expected flocked to the audio launch in numbers and it all looked like a dream before an unfortunate incident saddened the mood of the evening.
A fan of Jr NTR got hurt in the stampede that broke out at the audio launch of the film and the unfortunate soul lost his life. When Jr NTR came to know of this incident at a later point in the show, he promptly requested the function to be stopped. Before stopping it he expressed his grief for the lost soul and said that he would take care of the family personally. Even producer Bandla Ganesh announced a sum of 5 lakhs for the family. May the person’s soul rest in peace.
On the other hand may be it is time we look at other ways to promote a film as an audio launch at such massive scale is always prone to these untoward incidents.