Books Magazine

AYearAThon – June

By Jazmin-Jade


AYearAThon is a read a thon that happens each month throughout the year with different themes. You can find the goodreads group here.

I have decided since I have been meaning to pick up books by this author cause people talk about them all the time that I should at least give this months theme ago. June’s theme runs from the 2-8, and since there doesn’t seem to be a specific time in which this starts, I am starting the clock at midnight my time. This months theme is:

Rick Riordon

Since I know I have to work during this read-a-thon I’m going to keep my goals really simple and just try and read the first three (maybe four if I am super lucky) books in his Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.

AYearAThon – June
AYearAThon – June
AYearAThon – June
AYearAThon – June

So yes, if you are participating to let me know so we can keep track of each other and give support :)

Click on the Book Depository link in the side bar to get yourself any of these books.

Till Next Time…

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