Acer changing colour
The all day rain that was forecast today didn’t appear, well it was over by 8am. The sun came out and I spent a happy afternoon planting some conifers which I will tell you about soon. I took the opportunity to wander round the garden and have a good look. The majority of the garden is still green and only the Amelanchier and the Acer leaves have started to turn. The garden is in a state of disarray like a glamorous lady returning for a rather heavy night on the town, having had a few too many and her make up running.

However unlike I am not rushing to put the garden to bed, unlike the glamorous lady, but I am working my way around the garden tidying as and where needed as well as planting bulbs. To be honest I hate the notion of putting the garden to bed for the winter as it makes me feel claustrophobic thinking I won’t be able to get outside for so long.

Seedheads of Digitalis ferruginea
I particularly like the seedheads of the Digitalis ferruginea at the moment they are quite black and shiny and the various clumps I have really stand out. I think I might need to get creative and try to think of something pale to plant a clump in front off just to show them off that much better this time next year.

Seedhead of Monarda