As the modern science sates that there is no cure for autoimmune diseases and can only control them by suppressing the over active immune response. Ayurvedic Treatments for Autoimmune Diseases are aimed to correct the immune system through various process.
Various factors are responsible for the development of autoimmunity. Here are few reasons that are responsible for autoimmunity.
Aggravations of All the doshas can occur when a person consumes food during indigestion, not following the deistic rules, intake of incompatible food and drinks, eating when the previous food is not digested or with out feeling hungry, wrong combination of foods, can cause increases in the aggravation of all the dosha's
Impairment of the biological fire (agni) - When the deistic rules of ayurveda is ignored repeatedly it will lead to the impairment of the digestive fire. The optimal level of digestive fire is required to maintain the normalcy of the body. When the digestive becomes impaired it hampers the process of digestion and nourishment to the tissues. The weak digestive fire leads to the improper digestion of the food and causes a toxic metabolite called ama. This is form of toxin which can not be digested accumulates in the body and leads to the formation of autoimmunity.
Unwholesome habits and activities can lead to the formation of the toxic materials. Depending on the severity of the toxins can directly impact the tissues causing the process of the autoimmunity or the toxins can aggravate the dosha's which intern disturbs the tissues and immunity causing the process of autoimmunity.
Treatment principle followed in treating autoimmune diseases
- Correction in the diet: Our health depends on what we eat. The consumption of unwholesome food, having food with out considering the appetite, having food in improper time etc.... will hamper the digestive digestive fire. The weak digestive fire worsen the digestive process leading to the production of toxic metabolites which is known as 'ama'. The ama which circulates all over the body starts impacting the functions of immune system. So the first step in treating an autoimmune disease starts with the correcting the diet itself.
- Lifesstyle changes: Sedentarily lifestyle, lack of physical activities also reduces immunity through various modes like reducing metabolism, digestive power. Physical activities like exercise are also known as karmaja bala. The reduction in karmaja bala also decreases the immune system.
- Psychological changes: Being in happier state also enhances the immunity by releasing certain hormones. Latest researches also states that persons who are happy can fight better against the diseases compared to others.
- Medication: There are certain ayurvedic medications which can help to boost the immunity. But one thing that you need to keep in mind is it will work only other parameters are followed like right diet, lifestyle modification, purification etc..
- Purification of the body: Purification of the body through certain therapies like panchakarma will also help to eliminate the factors that are responsible for reducing the immunity. Removal of the aggravated doshas, accumulation of toxins will help the body to function effectively to enhance the immunity.
- Rasayana Treatment: Rasayana therapy is the one which helps to nourish all the tissues to work optimally. They are administered only when the body is purified. Rasayana treatment also works as protective shield to prevent the reoccurrence of the diseases again and again,
Who will have strong immunity?
Immunity depends on the equilibrium of the doshas, healthy status of the tissues and proper formation and expulsion of waste from the body. In same way a healthy status of the body is also maintained by the stars of immunity. There are various factors that are responsible for having good immune system are
- Balavat pursue deshe janma - The birth of a person in the place where the people have strong immune system.
- Balavat kale janma - Birth of a person in an healthy season like hemantha and shishira rutu's. These season are considered as the healthiest season among all the six seasons.
- Sukakara kalayoga - When a person lives in a happier state this is a natural booster of the immune system. During the happier period the positivity boosts the immune system.
- Beeja guna sampath - The healthy sperm and ovum gives birth to a person who will be healthy. Born being healthy is also a natural immune booster.
- Kshetra guna Sampath - The healthy status of the uterus also responsible for the status of immunity through proper nutritional supply and healthy intrauterine life.
- Ahahara sampath - Choosing the right food and following the deistic rules will keep the digestive power in optimal level. The good digestive power enhances the immunity by fulfilling all dietary needs.
- Sharira Sampath - A well built body is the indicator of the proper nourishment of the body and its function is a natural strength enhancer.
- Satmya sampath - Indulgence in the food substances that are accustomed to the body is a natural strength enhancer. Using all the six tastes helps to balance the dosha's in the body and thus improves bodies strength.
- Satva sampath - One has a satva predominant psyche will boost the strength of the body to fight against the diseases. One can choose the right decisions to keep one healthy when the person having the satva predominant mind.
- Swabhava samsiddi - It means that the persons efforts in strength increasing measures.
- Yauvana - The young age is the natural strength enhancer. Young age is considered to be Strengthiest among all the ages.
- Karma - Karma means action. Karmaja bala means the immunity attained in indulging in exercise or physical activities.
- Samharsha - Being happy boosts the strength of the person through the biochemical reactions. Researches have found out the link between immunity and happiness.