At New Horizon School, Pasadena, CA
Recently I had a very successful visit to New Horizon School in Pasadena where I spoke to two groups of children. I was surprised and pleased to hear the upper grades greet me in Arabic–which they explained meant "Peace Be Upon You." With grades two through four I showed slides and talked about the process of writing. With the children in pre-K through first grades, we did several activities including a lion hunt, measuring wingspans, and singing the Wiggle and Waggle song. I finished by reading aloud my book The Terrible Hodag and the Animal Catchers. Mrs. Nelson’s Toy and Book Shop provided Wiggle and Waggle and Too Hot? Too Cold? for purchase and signing and many children went back to their classes happily holding their new books. I thank principal Kim Badge for inviting me and for making sure that everything ran smoothly.