Signing books at Columbus School, Glendale, CA
On Tuesday, May 28th, I had a good day at Columbus Elementary School in Glendale, California. The day was sponsored by the Glendale Assistance League, who not only brought in the authors for the day and gave each teacher a copy of one of our books, but also gave a generous check to the school for the purchase of books for the library. I was one of four authors--Larissa Theule, Oliver Chin and Leslie Margolis were the others. We visited classrooms (I gave presentations to the TK and Kindergarten students) and signed books at the after-school book sale in the auditorium.
I was pleased by the enthusiastic response to my presentation by the students and teachers. They especially liked my new book My Friend From Outer Space. At the end of my last session, the boy in the front row, who had been paying attention to every word I said, pronounced that when he grew up, he wanted to be an author too.
Special thanks go to Linelle Vicenti for coordinating everything and making sure the day ran smoothly! I also thank all the Glendale Assistance League volunteers who introduced me, helped out at the book sale, and brought the delicious snacks and lunch. Many thanks to the Glendale Assistance League for another successful Authors and Illustrators Day!

Columbus School, Glendale, CA. The eagle is the school mascot.