Books Magazine

Author Lisa Proulx Joins Us for Writer Wednesday!

By Stacyeaton @StacySEaton

Author Lisa Proulx joins us for Writer Wednesday! It's Writer Wednesday and we are happy to have Lisa Proulxhere with us today!
Welcome Lisa!!! 
Tell us a bit about yourself: 
I am a laid back 70's chick who loves to write! I have raised Rottweilers for over 13 years and I am a belly dancer! I have a goofy and whacky sense of humor and I love people and animals.
Do you work another job when you are not writing?  

Author Lisa Proulx joins us for Writer Wednesday!Yes, I have been a feature writer and columnist for my local newspaper, The Brunswick Citizen for the last 11 years. I am also a professional pet sitter! Animals and writing are my passion!
What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t writing? 

 I am a total homebody who LOVES to cook and bake! I also love being outdoors and working in my garden or mowing the grass. I also sell vintage clothing, groupie wear and rock star rags on eBay in my shop Mallie Victoria's Closet.

What is your favorite color? 

 I have a few, green, brown and pink.

I have always loved them because they remind me of warm weather and I just love the way they look together, esp brown and pink.

What is your favorite season?

There is something so romantic about the Fall and October is my favorite month.
I love October when the leaves change and the warm wind begins to blow and in that breeze, you can feel a slight chill of the winter that is on the way.

If you could live anyplace on earth, where would it be?

Although I dream of the tropics and a warm, inviting island, I am very content on living where I live now. 
 Like I said, I am a homebody and I believe in putting down roots and staying there. I have been in the same area since 1968 and although I have lived other places, my childhood home is here and I bought it back in 2009. Any place my dog and my family are, is home to me.

If you could have any car, what would it be?

I have an awesome Purple PT Cruiser which I love but I also love Jeeps and Hummers. I love rugged vehicles with names like Outback, Wrangler, etc. :)

Tell us about your writing: 
How long have you been writing?

 I wrote my first horror story when I was about eight years old. It was about a little girl who was a witch and it was called, "Lily Was a Witch" from there I just took off. In 9th grade, my poem, "Screams of No Reply" got the attention of my 9th grade English teacher and she had it printed in the paper. I got a lot of positive feedback and I felt like a celebrity.
Was it a dream, a goal or is it just a hobby?
It is my desire to be on the NY Times Best Seller List. Writing is not a hobby for me. I am very serious about my stories and my books, this means a lot to me.

How many hours a day do you devote to writing?

I spend about 8-10 hours a day online, writing, promoting, marketing, answering mail, blogging, etc. Plus my normal interviews and stuff I do for the paper.
Do you have a set routine or do you write when the mood strikes?
 The mood always strikes me to write! I even keep a pad and pen by my bedside and in my car so I can write down ideas when they come to me and believe me, they always come to me! :)

Is there some place special you like to be when you write? 

 I have a library in my home that I have done up in an English Gothic style. I also like to write when I am laying in the sun in my lounge chair.
Do you like to listen to music or do you need a quiet place to write?
Although I love music, I need peace and quiet when I am writing but I have been known to write just about anywhere. I can get lost in my own thoughts.
Tell us about your book:

My latest book, THE RAINBOW WON'T WAIT, is a tribute to my mother Victoria whom I lost to cancer in 2006. It is a dying mother's advice for the obstinate daughter she is leaving behind.
When I lost my mother in 2006, I could have been a better daughter. I tried to be the daughter that my mother wanted and needed at this time of sorrow but I didn't know how to be that person.
In a collection of short pieces of advice, I have put together words of comfort and wisdom that my Cherokee mother gave me over the years. I never knew at the time, that this advice would help me as I took care of a dying parent. It also served as a catalyst to help me regain my footing after a series of tragedies following my mother's death, left me in a crippling, suicidal depression for three years.
It is a story of hope, inspiration and how a briar of a child became the flower that her mother always dreamed of...but died before she got a chance to see her bloom.

Where did the idea come from?

 I was driving home one day and it had been snowing. I am terrified of driving in the snow and ice and I happened to see a snow plow up ahead. I remembered the advice that my mother gave me to "always drive behind the snow plow" and I thought, what a cool title for a book. The idea started out as a funny tale of some of her more humorous advice but as I began to write it, it came out quite differently.

How long did it take to write?

I began writing it after my mom passed away in 2006 and it took me less than a year to complete it. But I have gone over and over it and revised it several times since I began.

What is it about?

My mom had a saying, "The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work" and that is where the title came from. The book is a collection of advice from my Cherokee mother that she gave me over the years. The advice helped me to cope with caring for a dying parent and then it helped me as I struggled after her death.

Your other work: 

I started my journey writing horror novels and although I still write them, after my mother's death, I felt compelled to write more inspirational tales of personal growth through tragedy and loss. I have several horror novels out now, they are the vampire novel PUNCTURE, DRAGGED INTO DARKNESS, the ghost story BENEATH THE BATTLEFIELD and KING OF SHADOWS.
I also have a desire to become a motivational speaker. I want to heal others with my words and make a difference in people's lives.

Do you have any upcoming projects in the works or other books that have been published? 

I am trying my hand at a paranormal romance, another horror novel about a vampire child and two other books about my mother. One, is her life story growing up during the Depression and living in coal mining camps in West Virginia and Kentucky. The other is about an after death experience she had back in the 1950's. I am looking for an agent or a publisher for those as well.

Where can readers connect with you? 

My home email is [email protected] or at any of the sites below.

Blog: ;
FaceBook Author Fan Page: ;

Smashwords Author Profile:
Where can we buy your books? They are all on, Barnes & Noble Nook and many other sites. Plus you will be able to purchase them at any of the sites below.


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