Tell us a bit about yourself:
Do you work another job when you are not writing?
No, I go to work, I just don’t work there. They pay me enough to show up; my contract does not say that I need to do anything. Alas, that is not true. I wish. I work too many hours as a computer programmer.
What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t writing?
Sleep! But if sleeps eludes me, then I like to train at a gymnasium or else do “research” for my sequel.
What is your favorite color? Why?
Anything I say will be used against me. Some reader will start googling to investigate what the color means. I suppose I had better say blue because that is the color of the interviewer’s blood and my eyes of course.
What is your favorite season? Why?
Summer! All the hot babes walk around with skimpy clothing so that I can have lots of eye exercise. If I even find a life partner, I will have to find a way of oogling without being noticed. Dark sunglasses? Any advice?
If you could live anyplace on earth, where would it be? Why?
NYC with the girl of my dreams. I have no idea why. Maybe it is because of Hollywood? Just had this dream. I was once offered a job in NYC but it feel through. The salary was not high enough for my liking. OK, I was a snob then. I asked them for an apartment on 5th Avenue and they said “You keep dreaming…” so I did.
If you could have any car, what would it be?
A Ferrari. I love speed. What I would do with it, who knows. I can’t afford the insurance or the speeding ticket anyway. Or the gasoline. Maybe I can use my own gas?
Tell us about your writing:
How long have your been writing? Was it a dream, a goal or is it just a hobby?
Writing was never a dream, a goal or a hobby. I am a technical person. The only thing I like to write is code! But the ladies forced me into writing stories. If Zuckerberg got rich by writing code, maybe it is my turn? On the other hand, my book is not intended to hurt anyone.
How many hours a day do you devote to writing? Do you have a set routine or do you write when the mood strikes?
It is just when the mood strikes, or when someone makes a comment, or after “research”
Is there some place special you like to be when you write?
"I'd like to be under the sea" but not gonna happen so I will have to settle for the office. But when an idea strikes me, I start writing on my iPhone and then continue.
Do you listen to music or do you need a quiet place to write?
Nope. No rituals. A coffee house, watching TV, on the toilet. Anywhere, except on my non-existing iPad.
Tell us about your book:
What is the name of it and is it part of a series or a stand alone novel?
Now, you are asking? Your readers are probably asking why I kept saying “research”. My book is called ‘Kill Me Now!” and it is about my escapades in the world of dating. As one reviewer said, “I die a thousand deaths at the heart of the femalic enemy.” Despite their better efforts, I am still alive and kicking. But as a result subsequent dates become my “research”. One woman asked me if she was going to be in the sequel. I told her that I did not see any reason to add her. She got upset with that and got angry with me, yelling at the top of her voice for all to hear: “Why not?” I answered: “Well, because until you started yelling at me, I happened to like you and I was even considering asking you out again. Thanks, but no thanks.” Despite that, she is not in the sequel.
Where did the idea come from?
The idea came from a bad date. I had been out of the scene for a while and my friends were interested to hear how the date went. I told them, putting my own brand of humor on the story. They liked it so much. At first, I thought they were laughing at me but they were laughing with me. This turned into a very successful blog and a book was born.
How long did it take to write?
The book started out as a blog, so it was an ongoing process. So we can say that it took about 6 months.
Your other work:
Do you have any upcoming projects in the works or other books that have been published?
The sequel to “Kill Me Now” is in the works. I am now getting research stories from my “research”.

Where can readers connect with you?
My website is http://KillMeNow.org
My blog is http://KillMeNow.org/blog
Facebook: http://facebook.com/KMNow
Twitter: http://twitter.com/lbigfoot
Would love to hear from you
Where can we buy your books?
My books are sold on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and the publisher, iUniverse.
The links make be found on my web page: