When I first learned of the Will & Jane exhibit at the Folger, I knew I had to go. Living so close to Washington, D.C., the opportunity to view the items on display, especially the undergarment* worn by a favorite Mr. Darcy, Colin Firth, and known colloquially as The Shirt, was more than a goal, it became a must-see. As the weeks passed by, it seemed like the visit wouldn’t happen. My husband surprised me when he announced he would take off on a Friday to accompany me. He travels the Metro frequently, so there was little chance of missing the stop or riding the wrong line to the Capitol area.

It was a wonderful time spent oohing and aahing over “the divine Jane” and “the God of our idolatry” (Shakespeare). And, of course, The Shirt. A once in a lifetime pairing of objects, I’m glad I visited. And for those needing to take home memories, the gift shop was laden with objects relating to both literary celebrities.Unfortunately, the exhibit is only open through November 6, 2016.
Denise Stout
*Here’s a link explaining menswear in the Regency era for those who are confused about the reference to The Shirt being an undergarment: