Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Australian Bushfires Signal New Climate Dangers – MAHB

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Australian Bushfires Signal New Climate Dangers – MAHB

“The recent bushfires in Western Australia were much more than “bush” fires as they raged through mature crops of wheat, barley, canola and oats, and pastures where many thousands of sheep grazed. The fires claimed four lives and the livelihoods of many farmers as the estimated financial losses of crops and farm animals reached A$60m – a figure expected to rise steeply as the full extent of the damage emerged. One report showed a loss of 15,000 sheep and many cattle.[1] The fires swept eastwards and in South Australia additional fires caused more deaths of people and farm animals and burned through vast areas of mature crops and grazing lands.[2]”


GR:  Fires, followed by invasive plants, are transforming native vegetation into weedlands. The change reduces productivity and carrying capacity. The damage to soils, native plants, and wildlife diminishes the diversity and health of ecosystems.

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