
Australia’s “Somerton Man” Mystery Solved After 7 Decades, Says Researcher

Posted on the 29 July 2022 by Geetikamalik

An Australian researcher claimed to have solved the mystery of 73 years old by identifying a man found dead on the beach, CNN said in a report. Derek Abbott, from the University of Adelaide, said that the corpse belonged to Carl “Charles” Web, an electric engineer born in Melbourne in 1905, the outlet said further in his report. For more than seven decades, the man’s identity has been a mystery that gave birth to theories that featured a lover who was pulled into the cold war eyes and remained one of the most famous cold cases in Australia.
The body of a man in good dress was found slumped on the Australian coast. A half-smoked cigarette was found resting on his collar, and the code of war was written in a book along with the last words of Persian poetry in his pocket, according to CNN report. All of this pushed speculation for decades that the man was an eye -eyes.

Persian words on a torn piece of paper are “Tamam Shud”, which means “finished” in English, the word outlet.

The corpse was found at Somerton Beach in Adelaide on December 1, 1948. The man was well built, believed to be in his 40s and about 5 feet 11 inches. CNN reports say that he has gray blue eyes and gingery brown hair. The man was called “Somerton Man” after the beach where his body was found.

There are bus and train tickets, chewing gum, some matches, two comb and a packet of cigarettes in their pocket but there is no evidence of identification such as a wallet or ID card, forcing the police to send his fingerprints to the whole world, but no one can identify him .

According to the New York Times, his body was dug in May last year in an effort to resolve this case. He has been buried in a burial since 1949 by reading the tombstone: “Herein lies the unknown man found at Somerton Beach.” The police hope to use his DNA to find out who the man is in good dress.

The mission was carried out by Derek Abott who could analyze “Somerton Man” using DNA from his hair preserved by the authorities. He reached the famous US Fitzpatrick -Forensic Expert who specialized in cold cases – to build a large family tree using DNA, CNN reported.

The search for duo fell to 4,000 names, where they narrowed it into one – Carl Webb. Mr Abott also claimed to have tracked the man’s relatives to confirm his identity.

According to Mr. Abott, Webb was born on November 16, 1905 at FootScray, the suburbs of Melbourne. He is the youngest of six siblings.

Researchers also said that the man married Dorothy Robertson, known as DOFF Webb. He now wants to join further points and find out how the man died.

South Australian police so far have not commented on the discovery.

The post Australia’s “Somerton Man” Mystery Solved After 7 Decades, Says Researcher first appeared on News On Sight.

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