Christina MacPherson: Personalities of the leaders, Tax cuts, tax concessions, negative gearing – blah, blah – these are the big issues for the coming election. That’s what Australia’s politicians and media tell us.
That’s all not going to matter so much when the droughts, floods, bushfires hit. Or when sea level ruins beach resorts, bayside suburbs and towns. When Pacific islanders need refuge. And Australia has become even more of an international pariah, on climate change and on refugees.
Australia, but South Australia especially, could face the risk of becoming known as the world’s nuclear toilet – with the loss of the clean agriculture reputation, and with the financial burden of managing radioactive trash, after the foreign nuclear corporations have gone bankrupt.
Australia’s government is irrelevant. The Labor opposition is a little less so. The Greens really are the only party with an awareness of the great threats now hanging over Australians. Source: Australia’s politicians – the dance band on the Titanic – theme for June 16 « Antinuclear