Books Magazine

August Wrap Up + September TBR

By Jazmin-Jade


So the slump continues. I think its actually being caused by my lack of motivation to write reviews lately. I don’t read more because if I read more before I write a review for the last book I read my memories may become lesser and I will have a harder time writing it… I need to work this stuff out because I am so far behind my goodreads challenge because of it.

Now because I missed last months wrap up so here are the books I read in the last two months, in the order that I read them.

ashes of life
saint anything

whats left of me
an abundance of katherines

Now I am hoping to participate in September’s theme for the AYearAThon so I wont list things I think I will be reading in that, but there are a number of books I want to read this month:

assassin's blade
crown of midnight

I am pretty confident that I can get all these books plus my read-a-thon ones this month because tafe goes on holidays then so I will have some extra time.

Till Next Time…

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